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- "Legend of Lothian"
- - by David W. Meny -
- "Legend of Lothian" is a fantasy-adventure game set in the mythical
- kingdom of Mercia. In this game, you assume the role of a poor shepherd
- who has been chosen to save the king of Mercia. For some reason, King
- Lothian won't wake from his sleep, and, in his absence, chaos has
- befallen the land of Mercia. It's up to you to find a way to revive
- King Lothian and restore Mercia to its former tranquility.
- In "Legend of Lothian", you must explore the large continent of
- Mercia and beyond. Along your journey, you will talk with many
- different people, battle fierce monsters, and solve strange puzzles,
- all in the hopes of saving King Lothian. Your success or failure in
- this quest will determine the fate of the whole land of Mercia.
- Your well-being in "Legend of Lothian" is determined by two
- attributes; health and stamina. Health is an indication of how
- physically fit you are, while stamina indicates how well-fed you are.
- Stamina diminishes whenever you run out of food, while health can be
- diminished through combat, and by starving, after your stamina level
- reaches 0. If your health level ever reaches 0, you will be dead.
- Since the fall of King Lothian, the Mercian army has become
- disorganized and has been unable to check the advances of the monsters
- of the land of Mercia. In your travels, you will undoubtedly encounter
- many of these horrible monsters and will be forced to fight them.
- Collecting the treasure from vanquished monsters is also your only
- source of income, so combatting them is a necessity. Killing monsters
- also gives you experience points; after acquiring enough experience
- points, you will advance to a new combat level, thereby becoming a
- better fighter and acquiring higher health and stamina levels. But
- beware! As you becomes progressively better at fighting, the monsters of
- Mercia also increase in difficulty!
- The monsters of Mercia can do much damage to you, and therefore,
- healing yourself is very important. You can be healed in a variety
- of ways. Whenever you have food, by simply walking around, you will eat
- food and your health and stamina levels will increase, if either are
- below their maximum level. As long as you have food, you will heal.
- This process usually takes a while, which is fine for small damage,
- but if you are seriously wounded, healing by this method will take a long
- time, and waste a lot of food.
- You may also rent a room in one of the inns located in many of the
- towns of Mercia. Although this costs a small amount of gold, no food is
- lost while sleeping, and this method is a lot quicker than consuming food
- to regain your health and stamina, especially when you're badly hurt.
- Finally, you may choose to visit one of the several mystic healers
- found in a few of the towns and castles in Mercia. As can be expected,
- healers charge for their powerful magic, but no food is lost, and this
- is the fastest and easiest way to get healed.
- Talking with people is one of the most important elements of "Legend
- of Lothian". Valuable information can be learned from the inhabitants of
- Mercia, so talk to everyone you meet. Also, some people may help you by
- giving you tools that are needed in your quest.
- There are many puzzles that you'll need to solve in your quest.
- Overcome these puzzles and you'll be on the right track to saving King
- Lothian!
- Operating Instructions
- ----------------------
- Double-click on the "Legend of Lothian" icon after opening its disk
- icon. After the game has loaded, it will request that you enter your
- name or the name you wished to be called in the land of Mercia. You
- may enter any letter from A through Z plus the space character. Press
- ENTER after entering your name and then you are asked to specify your
- sex. Press 'M' for male or 'F' for female, or you may select either
- with the mouse pointer and press a button. Then you are asked if you
- have heard the tale of King Lothian. Read the tale at least once to
- get the whole story behind the game. You may press any key or press
- either mouse button to advance pages in the story. After the story has
- finished, the game screen will appear and your quest will begin.
- The game screen is divided into six separate windows. The map
- window is in the upper-left corner of the screen and represents the
- area immediately surrounding you. In the center of the map window is
- your character icon.
- Directly beneath the map window is the location window. The name of
- your current location will be displayed in this window. For example,
- if you enter a town, the name of the town will be displayed here.
- Beneath the location window is the icons window. Two rows of icons
- are here for mouse control of the game. From left to right, the top
- row of icons consists of the talk icon, the get icon, the open door
- icon, the climb ladder icon, the board ship icon, the attack icon, the
- save game icon, and the restart game icon, while the bottom row of
- icons, from left to right, consists of the use tool icon, the info
- icon, the pray icon, the sleep icon, the disembark from ship icon, the
- flee from combat icon, the load game icon, and the quit game icon. By
- simply moving the mouse pointer to the appropriate icon and clicking
- either mouse button, that command will be activated, if it is valid at
- that point in the game.
- In the upper right corner of the screen lies the text window. This
- window provides all text information from the game and shows the past
- history of most-recent commands. A purple cursor indicates the current
- position for your input.
- Below the text window is the combat/talk/use window. Here is where
- the monsters you fight in combat are shown, where the person and their
- speech is shown when you talk to someone, and where you select what
- tool you want to use. This window will remain blank until one of these
- functions occurs.
- Finally, beneath the text window is the information window. Displayed
- here is all the information on you in "Legend of Lothian". Your current
- health and stamina levels are shown here in two ways; by bar graphs on
- the left side of the window and the numerical form showing the current
- and maximum (in the format "current/maximum") health and stamina levels
- on the right side. Here you will also find the amount of gold and food
- you have, your experience points, your current combat level, along with
- the weapon and armour you have, if any. All of the information in this
- window will be automatically updated when changed.
- You may control the actions of your character in "Legend of Lothian"
- by using the keyboard, the mouse, or a combination of both devices. The
- mouse may be used to do everything in the game, with the exception of
- three tasks: inputing your name at the beginning of the game,
- specifying how much food you wish to purchase at food stores, and
- typing in a chant that you want to pray upon. Action is specified via
- the mouse by selecting one of the icons in the lower-left hand corner
- of the game screen and pressing either mouse button. If that command
- is valid at that time, that command will be executed.
- Each icon also has a keyboard equivalent. Simply press the
- corresponding key for the action you wish to perform. Valid keyboard
- commands are as follows (the notes that follow most commands also apply
- when these commands are executed via the mouse):
- A = ATTACK! (valid only in combat).
- B = BOARD a ship (player icon must be on ship).
- C = CLIMB ladder (player icon must be on ladder).
- D = DISEMBARK from ship (ship icon must be on beach).
- E = ENTER a town, castle, etc. (player icon must be on object).
- F = FLEE! (valid only in combat).
- G = GET item (player icon must be adjacent to item).
- I = INFO (gives information to player).
- O = OPEN door (player icon must be adjacent to door).
- P = PRAY (to meditate upon a chant).
- Q = QUIT game.
- S = SLEEP (player must have rented an inn room and be present in
- the room).
- T = TALK (player icon must be adjacent to a person or a merchant).
- U = USE tool (used to solve puzzles).
- ESC = Quit game.
- F8 = Restart game.
- F9 = Load old game position from disk.
- F10 = Save current game position to disk.
- Movement in "Legend of Lothian" is accomplished by using the arrow
- keys on the keyboard, or by positioning the mouse pointer in the map
- window, in the direction where you wish to move (i.e., above your
- character icon for north, below your character icon for south, to the
- right of it for east, and to the left of it for west). When the mouse
- pointer is in the map window, the mouse pointer turns into an arrow
- indicating the direction you will go when the mouse button is pressed.
- If you're standing on on object that can be entered, such as a
- towne, castle, etc., then by position the mouse pointer on your
- character icon, the pointer will turn into an "in-ward arrow", and by
- pressing the mouse button, you will enter that object (the same as using
- the E key). Also, if you're on a ladder, then positioning the mouse
- pointer on your character icon will turn the pointer into an "up and
- down arrows" pointer, and pressing the mouse button will climb the ladder.
- One of the most important commands is the Info command, accessed by
- the I key on the keyboard or the ? icon. After executing this command,
- the mouse pointer will change into a question mark. By placing this
- pointer on anything in the game screen, you will be told what that
- object is. This is especially useful for knowing what the graphics in
- the map screen are supposed to represent.
- The talk, open door, and get commands (whether accessed by the
- mouse or through the keyboard) will automatically check to see if there
- is only one person, door, or object adjacent to you. If
- there is, then that is the object that is acted upon. However if there
- are two or more people, doors, or objects adjacent to the player, the
- game requests you to "Select dir:" (specify direction) that you wish to
- act in. For the majority of the time, you will never need to specify
- the direction, but there are a few places where you will.
- At various points in the game, you will prompted for input, such as
- a yes or no question, whether you wish to be male or female, or the
- number of the weapon or armour you wish to buy. You may use the
- keyboard, or move the mouse pointer to the response desired and press
- either button. For example, when you want to buy a weapon or armour, a
- "Select: (0/1/2/3/4/5)" prompt appears below the price list of
- weapons/armour. By pressing the appropriate number key, or by moving
- the mouse pointer to any number on this prompt (not to the names of the
- weapons/armour!) and pressing either button, you indicate which
- weapon/armour you want to purchase.
- Game Information
- ----------------
- "Legend of Lothian" was written in SAS/C, version 5.10, on an Amiga
- 1000 with two disk drives and two megabytes of RAM. All of the
- graphics seen in the game were drawn in Deluxe Paint III and are loaded
- in at run-time. Almost a year of my time was spent on this game, and I
- hope you enjoy all of my effort.
- Have fun and good luck!
- - David W. Meny
- Helpful Hints:
- --------------
- 1. Make a map of the various places you visit. The land of Mercia is
- very large, and a map will aide you in your travels.
- 2. Listen to the townsfolk carefully and take note of important
- information. Although some people may offer only useless chit-chat,
- most have valuable information that will help you in your quest.
- 3. Don't try to go exploring too soon. Stay around Larkspur until you
- you have purchased both a weapon and armour and have enough food to
- travel long distances.
- 4. Explore everywhere! The land of Mercia is very large and some
- places you need to visit are located in hard to reach areas. Also,
- in towns, not all people are located in buildings; some are off the
- paths, so explore everywhere!
- 5. Save your game position often. Death can come very quickly in this
- game, and you don't want to lose anything important that you may
- have accomplished.